The Tree Grower's Journal

Fire among the native Sequoia

Fire among the native Sequoia

Our adventures through the native habitat of the Giant Sequoia brought us face to face with the impact of recent forest fires. We discuss the impact of these fires and...

Fire among the native Sequoia

Our adventures through the native habitat of the Giant Sequoia brought us face to face with the impact of recent forest fires. We discuss the impact of these fires and...

Cotyledons of the Giant Sequoia

Cotyledons of the Giant Sequoia

This entry in the Grower's Journal offers an introduction to the fascinating science behind Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) cotyledons, or embryonic leaves. These leaves actually start to form inside the seed...

Cotyledons of the Giant Sequoia

This entry in the Grower's Journal offers an introduction to the fascinating science behind Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) cotyledons, or embryonic leaves. These leaves actually start to form inside the seed...

Natural Reproduction of Giant Sequoia

Natural Reproduction of Giant Sequoia

Unlike their coastal counterparts (Sequoia sempervirens), Giant Sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) do not have the option of reproduction through shoots, instead they rely on seed-based reproduction. This document is a deep dive...

Natural Reproduction of Giant Sequoia

Unlike their coastal counterparts (Sequoia sempervirens), Giant Sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) do not have the option of reproduction through shoots, instead they rely on seed-based reproduction. This document is a deep dive...